Well, maybe this is the worst place ever. Uh, does anybody else hear that rumbling? - Yeah, what is that thing, man?. Well, we know recycling has something to do with trash, - so I guess this makes sense. Oh, yuck! This is gross! Ach! Nasty! Yeah. Outer world, here we come! Īaaah! Uhhhh! Oww! Eeeee! Ohhhhh Whoaaaa StoryBots, prepare for transport! Let's find out why we have to recycle! Whoa, man! - Holy mackerel! - Awesome! - Sweet! But what's your question, Rory? Why do people have to recycle? That's a good question. He can count to a million?! He actually can.
Storybots boop how to#
He knows what kind of dinner there is, what kind of breakfast it's called, he knows how to count to a million Whoa, that's super smart! Who told you how to do that? My friend told me. One time I, like, made a fort and I put some pillows in the fort and outside the fort. Hey, Rory! - Hi, Rory! - Glad to meet you! We can, like, barely see you past all this pillow plumage, man. This isn't a sleepover, Storybots! We got questions to answer! Īnswer team 341-B reporting for duty, sir! Kid

Wow! That was our softest landing ever! Yeah! Using our pillows was a great idea, Bang! You always get your best ideas right before bed, man. Mother-of-pearl! That's a heckuva question! Get me the best answer team we got pronto!
Storybots boop install#
I thought I told you guys to install the airbag Pumpernickel! Snickerdoodle! - Onomatopoeia!. Meet Beep and Bing, Bang, Boop, and Bo Just ask 'em what you want to know Just ask the StoryBots And when they get a stumper that demands investigation It's to the outer world on a hunt for information StoryBots Got a question? Got lots? If something's got ya baffled, worry not Just ask the StoryBots Just ask the StoryBots Boop! īanana! Bandana! Gary, Indiana! Forget it! Not a chance! - No way!. StoryBots Livin' inside computer parts - The StoryBots - Īaah! Helping kids get super smart - They love to learn - They love to learn And adore adventure And answering questions is their business and pleasure There's a whole department whose only task Is to answer anything we ask So let's see if team 341-B can solve another mystery - The StoryBots. Come on, guys, let's go! - Yeah, dude! Whoa-ho-ho-ho-ho! Boop.